
How To Read Defense In Madden 21

If you want to play like Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers, you have to learn how to read and beat coverages in Madden 23. Long-time players should have a solid grasp on defensive formations already. All the same, a few nuanced differences in this year's game, especially with the new passing mechanics, warrant a refresher.

What'due south the difference between Cover 2 and Cover 3? How tin you tell when your opponent is in man or zone defence? What happens when they disguise the play, and how tin can you make quick post-snap reads? Madden players and pop-warner QBs accept been asking these questions for years, and then let'southward dive into how to read coverages in Madden 23 and how to shell each i.

For the record, all of the following images and tips were developed while playing equally the Tampa Bay Buccaneers against the Buffalo Bills on All-Pro difficulty, the standard for online play. Tom Brady's Hot Route Principal ability makes information technology significantly easier to beat whatsoever coverage in the game. Meanwhile, the Bills have one of the best secondaries in Madden 23.

We ran nearly offensive plays out of Gun Tight Y Off Weak, a popular formation institute in near playbooks. On defense, we ran everything out of Nickel 3-three Volition.

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Encompass 2 Zone

Play art from Madden 23 shows a Cover 2 Zone defense.

What is Cover 2 Zone

Tampa 2, Embrace 2 Sink, and Cover 2 Hard Flat are all examples of a standard Cover 2 defense. Cover ii (well-nigh of the time) features ii deep Safeties (nighttime bluish zones), iii midfield defenders (yellow/green zones), and ii apartment defenders (light blue zones).

Cover ii keeps your defensive corners closer to the line of scrimmage (LOS) while your linebackers hover over the middle, gear up to pounce on whatsoever run plays. Cover 2 takes away the intermediate middle of the field, making it hard to hit shallow crossers, in-breaking routes, and slants.

Cover 2 too takes away routes in the flat (five yards off the LOS on either side of the field). Information technology depends on whether the lite blue zones are gear up to cloud or hard flats.

Cloud Apartment defenders backpedal, covering five-x yards off the line of scrimmage. Hard Flats play right on the line, taking away any swing routes from your RB or WR Smoke Screens (when your receiver doesn't movement off the line and waits for the ball).

How to read Cover ii in Madden 23

Play art from Madden 23 shows a Cover 2 defense with Hard Flats.

Cover 2 Zone has obvious tells in Madden 23. You need to look at two things: the Safeties and the corners.

If yous encounter two Safeties deep in the middle of the field, you know yous might be looking at a Cover 2 defense. Next, look at where the CBs are standing relative to the LOS. If they're about v yards off the line, yous know you've got Encompass two Zone. The only thing you won't know pre-snap is if they're playing Hard Flats or Deject Flats.

Snap the ball and see what the flat defenders do. If they backpedal, you lot know they're playing Deject Flats. If they hold their ground, you know they're playing Hard Flats. You tin can too keep an eye on the deep Safeties and the MLB. If all 3 backpedal in a straight line, you know you're throwing into a Cover 2 Zone defense. That'll make more sense once we explain Cover three and Single-Loftier Human.

How to shell Cover 2 in Madden 23

A corner route gets open against Cover 2 in Madden 23.

To crush a Cover 2 defense (and whatsoever defense for that matter), you lot need to know where the holes in coverage are. With Comprehend ii, you'll have shallow drags open behind the line, corner routes on the sideline, and deep posts in the middle. However, you must make the right post-snap reads to hitting any of these throws.

The best play to run against a Cover 2 defence is a flood concept play, which involves a streak, corner, and flat route to one side of the field — preferably the wider side of the field — for more animate room (i.east., throwing to the right when the ball is on the left hashmark and vice versa).

Some plays will literally be called "Flood." Otherwise, you might accept to hot route into a flood concept from plays like Z Spot (out of whatsoever bunch formation).

Post-snap, if the CB backpedals towards your corner route, you'll have the flat defender wide open. On the other manus, if they run up on the apartment route, you'll have your corner route wide open.

You can likewise hit a WR streaking up the sideline if they're far enough exterior, either on a fade or wheel road, getting them near the chalk. But you have to hit them between the shallow corner and the deep Rubber, and this only works when the CB plays a Difficult Flat.

Regardless of the coverage, always remember nigh how you lot can occupy or hold defenders long enough to get someone open up. For instance, sending two deep routes up each sideline will occupy each Safety in Cover 2. And so, you can hitting a deep post over the center for a xxx+ yard gain.

Cover three Zone

Play art from Madden 23 shows a Cover 3 defense.

What is Embrace 3 Zone

Plays like Embrace 3 Sky, Encompass 3 Seam, and about zone blitzes are examples of Cover 3 Zone. Information technology'southward the most common defensive scheme in online play, every bit it's the easiest to hide. Cover three Zone puts iii defenders (commonly a Prophylactic and two CBs) in deep zones. Ii LBs will divide the middle of the field, while a CB and Safety baby-sit any intermediate sideline routes like corners, crossers, and out-routes.

Encompass iii Zone is meant to stop chunk plays and provide safety valves when you blitz an extra defender(southward). Ideally, Comprehend 3 keeps everything in front end of the defense — pregnant you're willing to give up brusque-yardage to protect against deep threats. Of class, y'all can't let your opponent dink and dunk their way upwardly the field, so you'll accept to come upwards eventually.

How to read Cover iii in Madden 23

If you lot meet i deep Safety at the line of scrimmage, y'all might be looking at a Cover 3 Zone. However, Cover 3 looks like Single-High Human, so your next read will come postal service-snap. This pre-snap read immediately tells yous that your Cover 2 beater play might not work, at least not as intended.

Be conscientious in Bunch Formations. You'll even so come across 2 deep Safeties even if they're playing a Cover 3. But, if you lot movement someone from your bunch to the other side of the field, one of those Safeties should drop down, revealing a Comprehend 3.

Later on the snap, watch the defenders on either side of the field. If they backpedal, y'all know they're in zone coverage. If they jam and chase a receiver, you know they're in man coverage (Single-High Man). Basically, defenders with their backs or side profiles to the QB are in Man, and defenders looking at the QB are in Zone.

If your opponent Base of operations Aligns their defense, y'all won't exist able to tell what kind of coverage they're in pre-snap. E'er sentry the safties when y'all snap the ball. If i drops downward towards the middle of the field, y'all know they're running Embrace iii Zone or Single-High Man with a Robber.

How to beat Cover iii in Madden 23

An RB gets open on a wheel route against Cover 3 in Madden 23.

In that location are a few ways to crush Comprehend 3 in Madden 23. Start, you tin can hot route a TE or WR to run a drag backside the LOS. Make sure your other receiver runs deep plenty to occupy the other defenders. You lot can ship your RB on a swing route or put one of your WRs on a smoke screen. Whatsoever you choose, short yardage plays will work confronting Encompass 3.

Brand sure y'all mix your routes upward in case it's Single-Loftier Man. We'll go over what beats Single-Loftier later on.

Adjacent, you can run a concept we call Flat-Go-Wheel. This concept works whenever your RB, TE, and WR line upward on the right side of the field. Put your TE on a get-road, your WR on a flat route, and your RB on a bike route, and so snap the brawl. The correct Condom should back into their deep zone, the CB should chase the apartment route, and the LB should stay with your TE, leaving your RB wide open on the numbers.

When running Apartment-Go-Wheel, your get-go read is the CB. Throw the brawl equally soon every bit they commit towards the flat. If they don't commit, hit the flat route. If they're in Single-Loftier Man, either throw the ball abroad or make sure yous've got someone on a Zig Road on the other side of the field.

Run Flat-Become-Wheel out of a agglomeration formation and motion your middle WR to the other side. If someone follows them, you lot know the defence is playing homo, and you can change the play appropriately.

Cover 4 Zone

Play art shows a Cover 4 Zone defense in Madden 23.

What is Comprehend iv

Comprehend four Palms, Drib, Quarters, and Press are all examples of Cover 4 Zone defense. These concepts feature four deep Safeties, an MLB defending the eye, and ii CBs guarding the sidelines. In previous games, Cover 4 concepts played Match, which is similar a Zone/Man Hybrid. In Madden 23, yous can turn Lucifer principals on and off for every defense via coaching adjustments.

Embrace 4 gives you the most coverage deep downfield only leaves underneath routes pretty open up. You as well go out yourself vulnerable to run plays, especially Draws, as four of your defenders volition backpedal once you snap the brawl and the QB looks like they're passing.

How to read Cover 4 in Madden 23

Cover 4 looks similar Comprehend two since it'll feature two deep Safeties in the middle of the field, but take a look at the CBs on the left and right. If they're playing viii-10 yards off the LOS (like they're playing Encompass 3), you'll know you're looking at a Cover iv concept.

Post-snap, most defenders will backpedal into their zones. However, if your opponent plays Friction match Defence, they'll chase afterward receivers once they cantankerous into those zones. This is why Cover 4 can exist tricky sometimes, so it's best to accept a quick throw you lot can check to. There'due south also no shame in running the football.

How to beat Cover 4 in Madden 23

A WR gets open against Cover 4 in Madden 23.

Beat out Cover 4 with underneath routes like drags and RB out routes, similar to how y'all'd exist Embrace 3. Cover 4 takes abroad those seam routes, though. Y'all tin likewise run Flood concepts against Cover 4 as yous'll only have 2 defenders watching the sides of the field. But make sure you send a WR on a streak to clear out the deep-right zone and have someone in the flat to occupy the eye defender. Concur the ball for a second and look for your corner route to get open.

Yous can also play with move to go two receivers running routes over the center. Since at that place'southward simply one middle defender, getting him to jump one receiver leaves the other one broad open. For example, a deep post and an intermediate in-road (running left to correct) should open up up the intermediate in-route. Merely make certain your other routes are occupying the sideline defenders. No matter what, yous should always have an RB in the flat every bit a checkdown throw.

Single-High Human being

Play art shows Single-High Man defense in Madden 23.

What is Single-High Human being

Unmarried-Loftier is a homo coverage concept that features one deep Safety and a middle-read LB or a blitzing LB. Cover 1 Robber, Cover 1 Contain, and Cover 1 Printing are all examples of a Single-High Man defensive scheme. In man coverage, your CBs and LB will match up with a receiver beyond the LOS and follow them wherever they go on the field.

Human coverage relies heavily on speed, then if their receivers are faster than your defenders, you're meliorate off playing zones. If y'all've got enough of speed in your defensive backfield, mixing homo coverage into the game plan is worthwhile.

Man coverage also helps in the run game, equally defenders always rush to their assignments. Therefore, whoever's in accuse of the RB will blitz him — no affair what.

How to read Single-High Human being in Madden 23

Two teams line up on the football practice field.

Single-High Homo looks exactly like Cover three. You'll see one Safety in the deep middle, and the CBs will play about 8-10 yards off the LOS. The only way to tell pre-snap is to move one receiver across the field. If their defender follows them, you know y'all're looking at Man Coverage. This doesn't always work, as the defense might laissez passer that receiver off to another defender.

Single-High can also expect like Cover four, with one of the deep safeties dropping down to play a yellow claw zone. If you're unsure of what you're looking at, the safest thing to exercise is put your TE on a drag and your RB on an out route. Both should crush Man Coverage and Cover 3/Cover 4.

Always await for mismatches on the LOS. If you see an LB hovering over a speedy TE like Travis Kelce, put your TE on a corner or out-road to create separation.

How to beat Single-High Man in Madden 23

Beat out Unmarried-High human with mesh concept plays, often featuring crisscrossing drag routes. Ideally, this puts defenders in each other's way, thus getting your receivers open in the flats.

You tin also trounce Single-High Man with corner routes. But ensure y'all occupy the deep Rubber with a streak or mail service. If you've got a speed mismatch on the outside (a slow CB on Tyreek Hill), send that WR on a streak so lob a pass over the superlative.

Cover 2 Man

Play art shows Cover 2 Man defense in Madden 23.

What is Cover 2 Man?

Cover 2 Man keeps 2 Safeties in the defensive backfield to foreclose annihilation from getting behind the CBs underneath. This allows the CBs to play under the receivers and break on corners, in-routes, out-routes, and curls. On Sunday, yous'll oft hear announcers talking about "Safety help over the top." That's what they hateful.

Cover 2 Man takes away the eye zone defender or blitzing LB, so you're sacrificing a piffling pass blitz to embrace more field.

How to read Comprehend 2 Man in Madden 23

The defense presses a receiver in Cover 2 Man in Madden 23.

Cover 2 Homo has a super easy tell. You'll meet two deep safeties in the defensive backfield (similar to Comprehend 2 or Cover 4); however, the CBs will printing upwards on your receivers, ordinarily playing inside. Sometimes this isn't the case, especially when running a agglomeration germination or your receivers are tight together. Movement someone out of the bunch to see what the defense does. If they press down and follow, you know yous're looking at Cover 2 Human.

Post-snap, you'll read Comprehend two Human being like Single-High Man. If the defenders jam and chase your receivers, you know they're in man coverage.

How to beat Embrace 2 Man in Madden 23

Beat Cover ii Homo with drags, slants, ins, outs, and zigs. Anything that features a quick cutting should create a window of separation. Timing and leverage are everything. Don't throw the ball if you see a defender playing underneath an in or out-breaking route. If they're exterior and over the meridian, throw the ball every bit before long as the receiver makes their cutting.

Mesh concepts also work confronting Comprehend 2 Man; simply make sure you put your RB on a road. If you leave your RB to cake, y'all put an LB in the centre of the field to double i of your receivers. Putting your RB on a cycle or out route should go him open up, every bit he'll be much faster than the LB covering him.

Cover 0

Play art shows a screen pass in Madden 23.

What is Cover 0

Cover 0 is a Man Blitz concept that doesn't have whatsoever Safeties in the defensive backfield. Plays like Thunder Smoke, DBL Safety Blitz, and Free Fire 0 are all examples of Encompass 0. These plays are meant to end the run and sack the QB. Ideally, the pressure gets there earlier the receivers get open up on their routes.

Cover 0 is a large chance/reward kind of play, as you go out yourself open up for big plays if the pass rush doesn't become dwelling in time. You can too get burnt in the run game if your defenders get jammed at the LOS, as nobody is roofing the 2nd level.

How to read Cover 0 in Madden 23

Encompass 0 is going to await, well,  odd. There'll be a Safety in the defensive backfield, but they'll exist closer to the LOS. An like shooting fish in a barrel tell is if you see a few LBs crowding the LOS.

Sometimes the defense hides the rush, making it look similar Cover two Zone/Human being. Utilize motion to move an inside receiver (like a TE on the LOS) outside. If the Safety follows and drops down, you know a blitz is coming.

The rush is pretty obvious mail-snap when y'all see several LBs or CBs rushing towards the QB. Don't panic and coil out, peculiarly if y'all don't take a scrambling QB. If you think a blitz is coming, audible out of a Play Action Pass, every bit you'll get sacked before you can even expect downfield.

How to beat Cover 0 in Madden 23

Quick throws and screen passes are great against the Blitz. When setting your offensive audibles, ensure you lot always take an RB screen pass prepare. WR screens don't work well since there'll exist a CB about the receiver.

You tin't wait for a play to develop downfield, but you tin assume there's no aid over the peak, so CBs won't play underneath their assignments. That means slants, drags, out, and in routes should get open correct when they brand their cuts.

Cover vi

Play art shows a Cover 6 defense in Madden 23.

What is Cover 6?

Cover 6 is a blend of Encompass ii Zone and Cover 4 Zone. One side of the field will play Cover 2 (flat, hook, deep half), while the other plays Cover 4 (purple, hook, and 2 deep quarters). Like Encompass 4, Cover 6 defaulted to Match principles, merely you can now turn those on and off.

How to read Embrace 6 in Madden 23

You demand to look at both sides of the field when reading Cover six. No matter what, you'll always take two deep safeties. Ane side of the field will read Cover 2 (shallow CB), and the other will read Cover 4 (CB 8-10 yards off LOS).

The same mail-snap reads utilize. Watch the CB on the Cover ii side. If they take the flat, throw the corner.

How to beat out Comprehend half dozen in Madden 23

The TE gets wide open on a delayed fade route in Madden 23.

Beating Cover vi is pretty uncomplicated. Run Comprehend 2 beaters (floods) to the Embrace ii side and Cover iii beaters (flats, RB outs, and smokes) to the Cover 4 side. Cover 6 likewise spreads the defense, so don't hesitate to run the ball up the heart, either. Yous can likewise run a delayed fade to the T. If your other receivers occupy the Curl flat and mid-read defender, the TE should get wide open the seam.

How to do reading coverage in Madden 23

The all-time way to do reading coverages is to head into practise way. Select your favorite squad and play confronting a lethal secondary (similar Buffalo) to get the all-time results. Next, set your audibles to have beaters for every coverage.

Have the defense run random Nickel plays to simulate passing situations in actual games. At the LOS, become through your reads and alter the play based on what y'all run across. Unfortunately, the game won't tell you what play the defense ran (similar it would in a existent game).

You can work effectually this using a 2d controller. Once yous call back you know what play the defence force is running, printing R2 on the second controller to reveal the play art. Don't get discouraged when you're wrong. Fifty-fifty Tom Brady gets fooled sometimes.

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